Asyril Feeders and EYE+ Vision Controller Power Lunch


Tuesday, March 14th 2024

12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM

Invest in yourself and learning about the latest technology on the market to solve age long problems and stay competitive! It’s a “Turn & Burn” event with this information filled hour about Asyril Feeders and EYE+ Vision Controller. presented Dennis LeMaire and Bobby Carpenter.  Lunch is also Included!

Dennis LeMaire - Industrial Control
Bobby Carpenter - Industrial Control

EYE+ optimizes the performance of your Asycube flexible feeder with an integrated vision based on Artificial Intelligence and a powerful controller. With EYE+ you have an innovative plug and play system that can be easily integrated into any automation machine.

LIVE Demonstration of Asyril EYE+ Vision Controller talking
to robot.